Emergence Magazine
Chapter 4


Hidden Portal

by Azadeh Elmizadeh

Coming into Being

As her daughter learns to speak, Chelsea Steinauer-Scudder meditates on how to listen for a language of mothering that is in service to all of life’s beings.

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Finding the Mother Tree

In this in-depth interview, Suzanne Simard—the renowned scientist who discovered the “wood-wide web”—speaks about Mother Trees, kin recognition, and how to heal our separation from the living world.

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The Serviceberry

As Robin Wall Kimmerer harvests serviceberries alongside the birds, she considers the ethic of reciprocity that lies at the heart of the gift economy.

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F u t u r e s
The Inward Migration in Apocalyptic Times

As the world falters, threatening native ecosystems and Indigenous lifeways, Australian Aboriginal author Alexis Wright turns inward to the dwelling place of ancestral story.

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After the End

In this short story by Nigerian novelist Ben Okri, a man and a woman who come to inhabit a world abandoned by humans grapple with what is at stake in beginning a new civilization.

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Letter from the Editor

The concept for our third volume was conceived during the winter of 2020/2021 at the height of the pandemic. By this point it had become clear that the COVID crisis had ushered in the era of the apocalypse. Predictions of a future threat became lived reality as failing societal and economic structures revealed the fragility of our modern industrial way of life—cracks in the system became chasms. In a matter of months we witnessed a reckoning with America’s racist culture, the rapid increase of the effects of climate breakdown, and floundering and corrupt political systems. So much has been revealed—both the light and the dark—that we have no true sense of what has been set into motion.

Living with the Unknown emerged from this place of deep uncertainty and from our conviction that stories, above all, can guide us as we transition into the next chapter of our collective future. This volume took shape through questions: How can we find our footing in a groundless reality where everything can fall apart at a moment’s notice? What pathways to healing must be walked? What strategies for survival need to be developed? What does living in an unfolding apocalyptic reality look like? What are the creative possibilities that are now emerging, or waiting to be embodied?

The stories in this volume explore these questions through a narrative arc comprising four themes—initiation, ashes, roots, and futures—moving from the raw unknowing of transformation to a place of rooted possibility. We commissioned new work from writers, artists, photographers, and poets, inviting them to respond to these questions and themes. Throughout these chapters you’ll experience fallen leaves, emerging cicadas, changing Arctic landscapes, reflections on motherhood and beauty, kinship among trees, inward migrations, and imagined post-apocalyptic realities.

After reading our mission statement, people often ask, “What makes storytelling a radical act in dark times?” I used to offer long-winded responses about the ancient and archetypal power of stories to unravel the forgetfulness of the sacred that has engulfed our culture in an age of ecocide. And while I still believe this is true, more and more I find myself returning to something simpler and more essential: listening. A good story has the power to make you listen deeply, tuning your ear to something beyond yourself.

In a culture where we are increasingly taught only to speak, listening is a radical act, especially when oriented towards silenced voices, nonhuman voices, and the voice of the Earth herself—all of which have essential stories to tell. The words, images, experiences, and music gathered here are born from this radical space of listening. I hope they can be a light in the darkness as we embrace the reality of LIVING WITH THE UNKNOWN.

Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee
Executive Editor
November 2021

Living with the Unknown

Oscar-nominated composer Volker Bertelmann (also known as Hauschka) created a companion soundtrack for the third volume of our print edition, Living with the Unknown. His visceral score offers a potent space to encounter the questions and ideas posed in this volume.

Listen online or purchase the limited-edition 180-gram vinyl LP, featuring artwork by internationally acclaimed artist Ann Hamilton and a 24-page concordance produced in collaboration with her studio.

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Composer: Volker Bertelmann
Sound Engineer: Ben Winkler
Audio Engineer: Michael Buchholz
Pro Tools Engineers: Paul Müller Reyes, Alexander Nikoleit
Orchestrator: Jan Andrees
Vocals & Additional Engineering: Alev Lenz
Violins: Karina Buschinger, Isabelle Engels, Milica Kovacevic
Violas: Mischa Pfeiffer, Tomasz Neugebauer, Mircea Mocanita
Cellos: Laura Wiek, Jan Michels, Teemu Myöhänen
Contractor: Karina Buschinger
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