Emergence Magazine


The Story of Lead to Life

by Fraser Jones

Extracted iron ore can be forged into a weapon. A gun can be melted into a shovel that is used to plant a tree. Through a radical reimagining of what a gun can be, this film considers the power of intention, where the means determine the ends.


Fraser Jones is a filmmaker from Atlanta, Georgia. His debut feature film, Your Ride Is Here, is currently touring the international film festival circuit. Fraser’s current project, We Can’t Breathe, is a documentary film that takes place in Uniontown, Alabama, a primarily African-American town that has fallen victim to continuous acts of environmental injustice and racism.


Directed by Fraser Jones
Produced by Fraser Jones & Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee
Cinematography by Trevor May
Edited by Fraser Jones & Connor Cuevas
Music by Nick Das
Sound design by Anthony Ramirez

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