Our podcast features exclusive interviews, author-narrated essays, fiction, multipart series, and more. We feature new podcast episodes weekly on Tuesdays.

This Week’s Podcast
Coming Home to the Cove: A Story of Family, Memory, and Stolen Land
Episode Four
What does a place, a community, look like when it welcomes home Indigenous presence? Recorded in January 2025, this new fourth episode of “Coming Home to the Cove” explores the impact of Theresa Harlan’s work to protect, restore, and rematriate Felix Cove over the last three years—from widening community awareness of Coast Miwok history; to opening hearts to allyship between Indigenous and settler families; and running traditional ecological knowledge workshops. Amid ongoing vandalism of her ancestral home, rancher evictions, and new land management, Theresa continues to fight for a larger vision of healing, and asks, are we willing to come together to honor the entire story of a land?
- 60 min
Most Recent Podcasts

Coming Home to the Cove: A Story of Family, Memory, and Stolen Land
Episode Three
- 65 min
This audio series is the multigenerational story of a Coast Miwok family’s eviction from their home and one woman’s determination to bring the living history of her family back to the land. Episode Three examines the role Spanish missions, boarding schools, and ranching empires played in driving many Coast Miwok people from their ancestral lands; and follows Theresa Harlan and her relatives on a boat trip to Felix Cove to experience their mothers’ perspective of arriving at their home from the water. Next episode, we’ll be sharing a new fourth installment to the series, tracing the impact of Theresa’s vision to restore and protect Felix Cove over the last three years, and the ongoing challenges of creating space for Indigenous history.

Coming Home to the Cove: A Story of Family, Memory, and Stolen Land
Episode Two
- 64 min
This series tells the multigenerational story of a Coast Miwok family’s eviction from their ancestral home on a cove in Tomales Bay in Northern California, and one woman’s effort to bring the living history of her family back to the land. Episode Two traces the Coast Miwok’s ten-plus-millennia-long presence in this landscape. Rich with interviews with a local historian and members of Theresa Harlan’s family, this episode asks: How is it that ten thousand years of continuous human civilization is seemingly invisible today? And who gets to define history?

Coming Home to the Cove: A Story of Family, Memory, and Stolen Land
Episode One
- 49 min
This series tells the multigenerational story of a Coast Miwok family’s eviction from their ancestral home in Northern California, and one woman’s grassroots mission to restore their living history to the land. As we reshare this series over the coming weeks, we’re adding a new fourth episode tracing recent developments in Theresa Harlan’s work, its impact on the community, and the ongoing challenge of creating space for Indigenous history. In Episode One, Theresa Harlan shares the story of her family’s uprooting from Tomales Bay, which ended their time there but did not sever their connection to the ancestral lands and waters of Tamal-liwa.

Deep Time Diligence
A Conversation with Tyson Yunkaporta
- 40 min
In this interview from the archive, Aboriginal scholar Tyson Yunkaporta invites us into an Indigenous understanding of time as inseparable from place. He shares the ways Lore and knowledge are kept within lands and tribes over centuries, and how deep time thinking can help us feel our obligation to beings, landscapes, and future generations. With candor and humor, Tyson emphasizes the importance of story, data, and technology emerging from a place of “right relationship” if we are to usher in new systems of order amid the chaos of the current moment.

Finding the Mother Tree
A Conversation with Suzanne Simard
- 67 min
In this archive conversation, forest ecologist Suzanne Simard speaks about her life’s work exploring tree intelligence and relationships, and her most recent research on Mother Trees—the oldest trees in the forest—and their astounding ability to recognize and nourish their own kin. Stepping outside of scientific precepts towards a vernacular that acknowledges connection—“mother,” “children,” “grandfather”—she delves further into the intricate web of relationships that Western systems of knowledge are only beginning to understand, and wonders what lessons these trees can teach us about healing our separation from the Earth.

Wild Clocks
by David Farrier
- 41 min
David Farrier examines how “wild clocks”—the biological and ecological rhythms that living beings use to coordinate their lives with the greater cycles of the Earth—are falling out of synch with each other in our age of ecological crisis. Traversing the Future Library in Norway, Sami reindeer herds in Scandinavia, and oyster colonies in Scotland’s Firth of Forth, David considers the different ways time is made between people, more-than-human beings, and place—and wonders if the disordering of our wild clocks offers an opportunity to understand anew how time can be an expression of kinship.

The Radical Intimacy of Spiritual Ecology
A Talk by Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee
- 58 min
Given at St. Ethelburga’s Centre for Reconciliation and Peace in London in November 2024, this final talk in a series by Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee explores how an embodied practice of spiritual ecology is a radical act amid a culture that has forgotten the sacred nature of our relationship with the Earth. He shares how a remembrance of this intimate connection is the spiritual responsibility of our time, and that when our hearts recognize and hold this reality, we can keep alive an essential connection and offer a practice of love to the suffering Earth.

A Path Older Than Memory
A Conversation with Paul Salopek
- 51 min
This week, we return to our interview with journalist Paul Salopek, who, for the last decade, has been on an epic journey retracing the migration pathway of some of the earliest humans out of Africa’s Rift Valley. Moving through the world as our ancestors did, Paul shares how he’s become attuned to the way time passes through us and around us: from the ancient pulse of the Earth underfoot, to the fury of mechanized time that rampages through our urban centers. Throughout, he shares profound experiences of timelessness, which he dubs “sacramental time,” that bring together mind, body, and landscape in conversation.

An Ecological Technology
A Conversation with James Bridle
- 60 min
In this expansive conversation from our archive, writer, artist, and technologist James Bridle looks at how the glorification of our own intelligence has shaped the history of technology, and anticipates in our future an “ecological turn” in the way we view and create it. James draws on principles of decentralized knowledge systems, a redistribution of agency among all beings, and an embrace of what is unknowable to envision how our technology could move away from the reductionism of ones and zeros and towards reflecting other kinds of intelligence and the ways we are intimately connected to the world.

The Serviceberry
Robin Wall Kimmerer
- 49 min
In this episode, we return to one of our most cherished stories: “The Serviceberry,” by Potawatomi botanist Robin Wall Kimmerer. Exploring how we can move away from an economy of scarcity to one rooted in relationship and gratitude, she draws our attention to the gift economies flourishing all around us to affirm that it is entirely within our power to create webs of interdependence outside the market economy. When we find the courage to honor the gifts given by the living world, the outcome, she says, is not only material, but spiritual.

When the Prince of Heaven Sleeps
Roger Reeves
- 35 min
In a countermelody to the media’s persistent portrayal of Black bodies as working tirelessly, in constant motion, poet Roger Reeves centers images of Black men in postures of rest and repose. Evoking Muhammad Ali slumbering in a four-poster bed, John Coltrane washing dishes within the four walls of his house, DMX watering orchids, and Mike Tyson caring for his flock of pigeons, Roger reflects on the stillness and silence of their interior worlds as a protest against the control of capitalistic time.

Breath-Space and Seed-Time
David Hinton
- 16 min
In this narrated essay and six-poem sequence, acclaimed translator and poet David Hinton finds an uncannily literal translation of modern science’s “space-time” in yü chou—one of ancient China’s most foundational cosmological concepts. He invites us to contemplate the fabric of time and space as a kind of primordial breath, drawing on the ideograms for yü chou to show that time is not a metaphysical river moving past, but an all-encompassing present that renders the Cosmos alive. An epilogue of poems delivers us into an elemental world where time is woven with the sacred.

The World Is a Prism, Not a Window
A Conversation with Zoë Schlanger
- 52 min
In this episode, climate journalist Zoë Schlanger speaks about her book The Light Eaters and explores what it might mean if we embraced plant intelligence within the frame of Western science. She shares a smorgasbord of new findings around the capabilities of plants—from roots that can sense the sound of running water to flowers memorizing the timing of pollinators’ visits—and wonders how a growing awareness of more-than-human intelligence can upend the structures and hierarchies we have placed around living beings, ourselves included. Talking about the politics of language in the field of botany, shedding her own plant blindness, and how we can widen our scientific imaginations to perceive intelligence in beings without brains, Zoë probes what it will take for us to let plants into the realm of our ethical consideration.

Practical Reverence
A Conversation with Robin Wall Kimmerer
- 61 min
In this conversation, Potawatomi botanist Robin Wall Kimmerer celebrates the serviceberry—both as a plant of joyous generosity, and as a living model for a gift economy that recognizes the sacred nature of the Earth. Delving into her latest book, which elaborates on an essay she wrote for us in 2020, Robin speaks about how a sense of “enoughness” can radically shift our habits of consumption; and how the ethical and pragmatic principles of the Honorable Harvest can invite us to honor a currency of relationship over a currency of money, helping us embody a practical reverence for the Earth and Her abundance.
Read Robin’s essay from 2020, “The Serviceberry.”
Featured Episodes

When the Earth Started to Sing
by David G. Haskell
- 39 min
In this audio experience by biologist and acclaimed author David George Haskell, we are invited to be attentive to the songs and stories that thrum in the air around us. Hearing three billion years of our planet’s sound evolution—a lineage of language—in the trills, hoops, barks, bugles, clicks, and pulses of the life around him, David shares the connection to both deep time and the more-than-human world that can be found when we tune in to the Earth’s orchestra. Made entirely of the tiny trembling waves in air, the fugitive, ephemeral energy that we call sound, this experience combines human speech with other voices to immerse our senses and imaginations in the generative, provoking, and unifying power of sound.

Ten Love Letters to the Earth
by Thich Nhat Hanh
- 50 min
In honor of the passing of Buddhist monk and Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, we republished his Ten Love Letters to the Earth, a series of meditations that engage us in intimate conversation with the living world. Here, Emergence Executive Editor Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee reads all ten letters for our podcast. Composed as a living dialogue, they are even more potent when recited. We invite you to read them aloud yourself, joining your voice to Thich Naht Hanh’s call to fall in love with the Earth.

Sanctuaries of Silence: A Listening Journey
by Adam Loften & Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee
- 14 min
In this immersive listening journey from our archive, acoustic ecologist Gordon Hempton guides us into the Hoh Rain Forest—one of the quietest places in North America. In a world drowned out by the din of modern life, Hempton offers a way to attune our ears to the sounds that emerge in the absence of noise and reconnect with the silence of the living world.

A Path Older Than Memory
A Conversation with Paul Salopek
- 41 min
In this conversation, Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee speaks with Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist Paul Salopek, who is a decade into a remarkable journey retracing, on foot, the migration pathway taken by the first humans out of Africa tens of thousands of years ago. Speaking to us from the Liaoning province in northeastern China, Paul shares how moving at three miles per hour has deepened his personal relationship to time. As he becomes attuned to what he terms “sacramental time,” the boundaries between the physical and metaphysical begin to blur into an expansive experience of timelessness.

Finding the Mother Tree
A Conversation with Suzanne Simard
- 64 min
Suzanne Simard is known for her groundbreaking research on the belowground fungal networks that connect trees and facilitate inter-tree communication and interaction. We continue to explore Futures this week with another story on motherhood—this time within the world of trees. In this interview, Suzanne discusses her book Finding the Mother Tree: Discovering the Wisdom of the Forest and shares her latest research on how Mother Trees recognize and support their kin.

A Primordial Covenant of Relationship
An Evening in London with Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee
- 52 min
In this talk given at St. Ethelburga’s Centre for Reconciliation and Peace in London, Sufi teacher and Emergence Executive Editor Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee speaks about what it looks like to live in an unfolding apocalyptic reality and the creative possibilities that are waiting to be embodied. In this time of deep uncertainty, he reminds us of the ancient, primordial covenant of relationship with the living world that can give us a ground to stand on, and the sacred nature of creation that is always there, waiting for us to return to it.

Valemon The Bear: Myth in the Age of the Anthropocene
featuring Martin Shaw
- 15 min
In an audio adaptation of our multimedia experience “Valemon the Bear: Myth in the Age of the Anthropocene,” mythologist Martin Shaw takes us on a journey to the deepest parts of ourselves. Summoning the ancient tale of a wild daughter falling in love with a bear, Martin invites us into a deep encounter with a living myth that gossips across species, drawing us back into call-and-response with the more-than-human world.

Beings Seen and Unseen
A Conversation with Amitav Ghosh
- 41 min
How can stories return us to what is essential as we navigate an uncertain future? In this conversation with Amitav Ghosh, author of The Nutmeg’s Curse: Parables for a Planet in Crisis, he calls on storytellers to lead us in the necessary work of collective reimagining—decentering human narratives and re-centering stories of the land.
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