Emergence Magazine
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Turn sound on and
use headphones
for the best experience.

Sanctuaries of Silence
is an immersive listening journey
into Olympic National Park,
one of the quietest places in North America.
Silence just might be on the verge of extinction, and acoustic ecologist Gordon Hempton believes that even the most remote corners of the globe are impacted by noise pollution.

360 Video

Sanctuaries of Silence

Desktop 360°

Requires the latest version of Safari, Chrome, or Firefox. For best experience, turn on your volume and make the video full screen. Next, hit play and then click and drag on the video to explore and play with your point of view.

Mobile App

Watch on YouTube. Download YouTube app from Apple or Android app store and search for Sanctuaries of Silence. You can then view the film in 360 directly on your phone or tablet.

Virtual Reality

Download the file to view in your VR headset.

  • Director & Producer

    Adam Loften

    Adam Loften is a director, editor, cinematographer, and producer of short documentary films that highlight pressing social and environmental issues. His work has been featured on PBS, National Geographic, the Atlantic, and the New York Times.

  • Director & Producer

    Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee

    Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee is an Emmy nominated filmmaker and composer. His award-winning films have been featured on PBS, National Geographic, the New York Times, the New Yorker, and the Atlantic, exhibited at the Smithsonian, and screened at festivals worldwide. He is the executive editor of Emergence Magazine.

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